
npm install --save react-treelist


import TreeList from 'react-treelist';

Property Type Description
data array Array of data objects which become rows in the treelist
columns array Array of column configuration options. See column options for more details.
options object Component level configuration options. See component options for more details.
handlers object Component level event handlers. See component handlers for more details.
id string Data field which uniquely identifies each record
parentId string Data field which identifies the parent row of a record. Data objects with null value in this field are treated as top-level parent records

See src/demo/App.js for an example.


Column options

The component accepts an array of column objects via the property columns. The column objects can accept the following properties.

Property name Type Required Description
title string yes Will be displayed as column header
field string yes Property in the data object whose value will be displayed in the rows against this column
type string yes Data type of the values displayed in the column. Required for sorting and applying formatting. Valid values: number, string, date
width number no Width of the column
expand bool no Shows the expand or collapse in this column if set to true. If this option is not provided, the icons are shown in the first column by default.
class string no Class name to be added to the cells in the column. Can be used for applying specific styles for the column values. Can be a fixed string or a function. The function will receive the row data as an argument
formatter function no If provided, the return value of this function will be dispayed in the rows for this column. The value of field from the data object will be passed as an argument.

Component options

Component level options are accepted via the property, options.

Property name Type Required Description
expandAll bool no If set to true will expand all rows by default when the component is rendered for the first time. Defaults to false.
height number no Height of the treelist body. When not provided, the component will expand to show all available rows.
minimumColWidth number no Minimum width of columns. Columns can't be resized below this value.
canSelect bool no Allows row selection on click. Selected rows have the row-selected class name applied
rowClass string or function no Class name to be added to the rows. Can be used for applying specific styles for the grid rows. Can be a fixed string or a function. The function will receive the row data as an argument
Component handlers

Component level event handlers are accepted via the property, handlers.

Property name Type Required Description
onSelectRow function no handler called every time the user selects or deselects a row. The handler will receive the row object as the only argument (null in case of deselection)



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